Jun 25, 2007

First Draft of the Constitution, part 6

Article 22 The Assembly; the Council

(1) The Council is elected by the citizens of the Provinces of the Kingdom of Edan and is a regional representation body. Councilors are elected by general elections held within each of the several Provinces. The number of Councilors is determined as follows;

(a) If the population of the Kingdom is less than 10,000 persons, there shall be one Councilor for each Province.

(b) If the population of the Kingdom is greater than 9,999 persons, there shall be two Councilors for each Province.

(c) The level of representation may only be changed within the month following a general election and may only be changed based upon official census figures. Such changes shall be in effect for the next election.

(2) Whenever possible, Councilors must be citizens of the Provinces they represent.

(3) Councilors serve terms of 5 years.

(4) Any Councilor may resign his or her position by public and written declaration delivered to the President of the Council or the Sovereign if the President of the Council is unavailable.

(5) If a Councilor fails to vote in 3 consecutive conclaves, their position become vacant at the end of that Conclave.

(6) Vacancies within the Council are filled as follows;

(a) If the remaining period until a scheduled general election is less than 6 months, the position is to remain vacant until filled by the normal electoral process.

(b) Otherwise, the position is filled by appointment by the Sovereign pending the next scheduled general election of the Council.

(7) Within one week of general elections of the Council, or the special election of the entire Council, the Sovereign will name a member of the Council President of the Council. This is done at the King's pleasure.

(8) Decisions of the Council require a simple majority of votes cast unless otherwise provided in this Constitution.

Article 23 The First Senator

(1) The First Senator presides over all meetings of the Senate as Chairman and President of the Senate.

(2) The First Senator appoints a fellow member of the Senate as Secretary of the Senate. The Secretary of the Senate reports all records of the Senate to the Secretary of the Council.

(3) It is the duty of the First Senator to grant his advice to the Sovereign on matters of State.

Article 24 The President of the Council

(1) The President of the Council presides over all meetings of the Council as its President and Chairman.

(2) The President of the Council appoints a fellow Councilor as Secretary of the Council. The Secretary of the Council maintains the Record of Legislation.

(3) It is the duty of the President of the Council to advise the Sovereign on matters of State.

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